The Alliance’s Tenant Advocacy Program has helped nearly 300 pet owners keep their pets since 2015. This includes pet owners who are private renters, coop owners, New York City Housing Authority residents, and residents in Department of Homeless Services (DHS) shelters.

Editor’s note: Although we realize this article isn’t immediately relevant to the current COVID-19 emergency gripping the headlines, we wanted to share the information with our readers because we believe it demonstrates the promise of a positive future. In November 2019, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio signed Int. 1478 into law, establishing an Office of Animal Welfare. The …

Animal-Friendly Legislation Moves NYC Toward a More Humane Future Read more »

In keeping with the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals’ new focus in 2020 — particularly in mentoring individuals and organizations — Alliance President Jane Hoffman guest lectured a law class at NYU School of Law on February 5, 2020, at the invitation of Professor Mariann Sullivan. The class discussion focused on policy. Jane described how lawyers can help shape policy …

Alliance President Mentors Students in Animal Law Read more »

Having accomplished our mission to transform New York City into a no-kill city, the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals will now focus on our role as a capacity-builder, a connector, and hub for NYC animal welfare. To that end, we have revamped our website to provide more in-depth resources for people who want to help animals, and people who need …

The Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals: Our Mission Continues… Read more »

Recently, four feral cats that we helped relocate to the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center have caught the attention of journalists. Their stories and headlines have focused on how these cats are providing the service of driving rats away from the Javits Center’s loading docks. While this is true, many of these articles have been misleading and simplistic in their …

NYC Feral Cat Initiative Does Not Place Cats for Rodent Control Read more »