Your response to this crucial campaign was overwhelming, and, in just 11 days, we exceeded our initial goal to fund two clinics (and help 50 cats). As a result, we have hit the ground running. On March 27, the NYC Feral Cat Initiative (NYCFCI) of the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals, in partnership with The Toby Project, sponsored a clinic that spayed or neutered and vaccinated 27 cats from high-need areas of NYC in just one day. At this time of year, when Certified TNR Caretakers are continually coming across pregnant cats and litters of kittens, this project has already made an impact toward reducing the number of kittens that will be born this year!
“It’s tremendously helpful to get these services done for rescuers such as myself, thanks to the Alliance and its NYC Feral Cat Initiative,” said Beth, a community cat caretaker, who brought two cats to the clinic on March 27. Beth has been managing multiple community cat colonies and has TNRed more than 225 cats in the last six years. “I am retired now,” she said, “and I have a certain amount of money I can spend. Therefore, clinics like this one really help me help the cats.”
More spay/neuter means fewer litters, fewer cats living on the streets, and less euthanasia. Thank you for supporting this life-saving program!